

Hi, my gorgeous fashion people!! In today˙s post I decided to take a "walk on a wild side" and talk a little bit about more edgier form of haute couture. The best representative couture house which is nourishing these type of visual expression is defenitely Givenchy! His art director Ricardo Tisci never disappoints in crossing the line of  "la belle couture" in more sassy, savage, rebel kind of art!

Oh, mentioning the term "savage", the glorious and best couturier ever Alexander McQueen designed for Givenchy. You can´t be more savage than that, but Mr. Tisci is doing really great work giving us really breathtaking couture moments which push the boundaries of every fashion expectation.

So, what is characteristic for Givenchy couture mode?! Well, it´s bold, dramatic, brave, perfectly taylored, dark but in gothicly romantic way, combining all of those "avangard" features with most beautiful tons of silky ruffles, finest embroidered lace, airy, light like a feather materials´ textures illuminating that perfect haute couture in it´s whole decadent glory.

Tisci goes a step further, giving a very inspirational and gorgeously over exaggerated twist on the runway models´ faces "pimping" them with magnificent jumbo forms of jewelry, extremely big earrings, double nose piercings giving the "noble" couture a punkish/native boost. More extravagant we can´t ask for! I am so excited for a next couture shows and Givenchy ensembles hoping it would strive itself more further giving us the perfect "fashiongasm"!

What do you think about Givenchy couture? Do you find it intriguing enough, or you prefer a more mainstream type of couture?

Thank you for your attention!


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